March 7, 2025Phone: 416-626-7800

   Online Application
* Required Fields
General Information

Please choose one or more of the following:  *
Pre Approval for Purchase Refinance Existing Mortgage(s)
Purchase  Consolidate Debts
Additional Money Other: 

What amount of mortgage do you require:  * $*
When do you think you will need the mortgage? * *
How did you find out about Top Mortgages Inc. ? * *
Have you already discussed a mortgage with one of our mortgage specialists? * Yes No
If so, please provide name of Specialist:
Applicant(s) Information

First Name * Middle Initial Last Name *  
Birth Date(D/M/Y): * S.I.N.: * Marital Status: * Dependents: *
Home Phone*: *
(include area code)
Work Phone:
include area code)
include area code)

Email: *
How do you prefer to be contacted?  *      

If there is a second applicant, please fill out the fields below indicated in red:
First Name * Middle Initial Last Name *  
Birth Date(D/M/Y): * S.I.N.: * Marital Status: * Dependents: *
Home Phone*: *
(include area code)
Work Phone*:
include area code)
include area code)

Email: *
How do you prefer to be contacted?  *      

Address History (3 Years)

Present Address    
Street Address * How Long * Own/Rent? *
City * Province * Postal Code *
Previous Address    
Street Address How Long Own/Rent?
City Province Postal Code
Employment History (3 Years)

Employer, City, Position * How Long * Income/year *

Current Employer
How Long
    Postal Code

Previous Employer

How Long

    Postal Code

Your Occupation

Current Employer
How Long
    Postal Code

Previous Employer

How Long

    Postal Code

Co-Applicant Occupation

Are you or the co-applicant self-employed?  You  Co-Applicant
Do you or the co-applicant have any other income including sideline, part-time, 2nd job, rentals, investments, pensions, child tax credit, alimony, etc.? Applicant
Summary of Assets

What is the annual gross income for you and your co-applicant? *
What Assets Do You and Your Co-Applicant Have?

Description   Value
Bank Accounts:
House Value:
Vehicle Type:    
Other Asset:  
Other Asset:  
Other Asset   
Other Asset:  
Summary of Debts / Liabilities

Description Balance Payment
Loans, Leases, Mortgages and Other    
Totals: $ $
Credit History

How would you rate your Credit ? 
If you have declared bankruptcy please answer the following questions
Were you Discharged.   If so, then how long ago?
Have you re-established any credit since bankruptcy?
If yes, then how long have you had this new credit?
Existing Home & Mortgage

Landlord   Monthly Rent  
; or   ; or  
Mortgage Holder   Monthly Payment
Interest Rate: % Balance Home Value Loan to Value Ratio
Term Remaining: yrs %
Matures when: Annual Taxes Annual Condo Fees  
Is your mortgage OPEN or subject to prepayment penalty?  
Property Information

* Please use if you are looking for a mortgage in the next 90 days.
Address (enter "unknown" if not known)
Use Type
* Price * Down Payment   or * Down Payment Source
* Closing Date:      
In whose name(s) is your property to be registered in?
Additional Information You Feel We Need

Please add any helpful notes, such as address of property and brief description. Please indicate debts to be paid off from new mortgage. If buying, will you be selling your existing home if buying new? What is your estimated sale date? If you are not able to qualify on your own at this time, is there anyone who might cosign with you (for as little as 1 year)?

Your Consent and Protecting Your Privacy

Your privacy is very important to us so we take all possible steps to protect your personal information. Before submitting the above application, you must confirm your agreement with the consents below.

I (We) are clients of:
  • Top Mortgages Inc. ( "The Company" ), and
  • Robert Kostrubiec ( "The Broker" )
for the purpose of pre-qualifying for, arranging and/or renewing loan(s) / mortgage(s).


I agree [Applicant] *   I agree [Co-Applicant] *

Your Authorization

I (We) hereby certify that the information given in my/our application is complete and correct and is given for the purpose of obtaining the financing applied for. In connection with this application I (We) hereby authorize Top Mortgages Inc. to obtain and exchange information regarding my/our credit history form any recognized credit agency, chartered bank, or others. I (We) hereby acknowledge that I (We) have been advised that Mortgage Life, Health or Disability Insurance may be available to me/us for this mortgage/loan and take sole responsibility to investigate and secure such coverage if desired. By clicking "Submit" below you acknowledge and accept the above statements.

* Required Fields
Copyright © 2025 Top Mortgages Inc.